Dragon Skin Epilogue: Rings and Tings

You should watch the above video. It’s very entertaining if I do say so myself. 

I’m going to use this blog though to share one of the funniest stories of the season. I call it “A Tale of Two Women”. So I assume by now everyone knows about Piper, the lady on our team. 

She’s awesome. Came to every practice, every game, got playing time in half the games, took some big hits and got right back up, scored a touchdown against the Hefei Crocodiles. She’s the textbook definition of a “football gal”. 

However, what very few people realize, is that there was actually another female on our team too. Her name was Tiger and she made a brief cameo in chapter 1

I met her at the first Shanghai Warriors practice I ever attended but then she disappeared off the map. Didn’t show up to another game or practice all season. Now the hilarious part of this story, is that next time she showed up was a few weeks after we won the Super Bowl when the whole team was getting fitted for Super Bowl rings. Yep, she disappeared for the entire season but showed up to get he ring. Really can’t do anything but tip your cap to a move like that. Doesn’t do wonders for the “women don’t care about sports” and “diamonds are a girl’s best friend” stereotypes, but I respect it nonetheless. And don’t worry, she’ll be back next season. In fact she’s already been going to the Spring games. Think the ring put a little pep in her step and I couldn’t be happier. Her roster spot on the Warriors is our good luck charm. 

Anyways, this wraps up the Dragon Skin series for real this time. Thanks for watching.

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